Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Spiritual Law of Challenge is for our own protection. 

This is also where discernment and responsibility come into play.  We are not to accept all that we see, hear or believe.  Our aim
 is to discern what is right for us, and challenge what we feel is not right for us.

We have the right to ask of another his or her intent, their identity and whatever pertinent information we feel we require when encountering someone or something new.

You are here on Earth on a spiritual quest.  In this plane of duality there is darkness and light, negative and positive.  For everything in the light, there is its counterpart in the dark. 

Your task is to discern between good and bad, challenge if in doubt, and make your ‘light’ so strong that the darkness cannot affect you.  Usually your own powers of discernment will tell you if something/someone is good or bad.  If in doubt, challenge always.

“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
        -Joshua J. Marine

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes

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